Written by Dr. Meagan Robichaud, PT, DPT
Cami Whitney started working at Magna Physical Therapy as a Physical Therapist Aide. She also works at the Hartt School Community Division.
We completed dance fitness and pointe readiness mini assessments at New Haven Ballet in preparation for their spring season

This month we welcomed a new affiliate- The School of New England Ballet Theater!

This month we welcomed another new affiliate- The Hartt School Community Division
Our physical therapist, Dr. Meagan Robichaud, was announced as the new Director of Dance Medicine!
Meredith Bolton started working Magna Physical Therapy as a Physical Therapist Aide. She recently graduated from UHartt and is applying to graduate programs for Dance Movement Therapy.
We did our first performance coverage of the year with NEBT and the School of NEBT for their performance of Carnival of the Animals.
We welcomed our newest physical therapist to the Dance Medicine team, Dr. Laura Fetko.
Dr. Meagan Robichaud and Dr. Laura Fetko travelled to Atlanta to take NeuroTour's Backstage: Injury and Prevention 2 -day certification workshop.
We spent 3 weeks at the Hartt Community Division Summer Intensive program and completed a lecture series on injury prevention, alignment, and intro to Pilates.
We completed lectures throughout the month for the School of NEBT Summer intensives at Dance City, the Dance Project, and the Dance Connection.
We completed a lecture at Ekklesia's Summer Intensive. This year for Ekklesia we focused on the Dancer Warm Up and gave these dancers 8 exercises to complete before every dance class in order to prevent injuries.

This month we welcomed a new affiliate- Dance Central!

This month we welcomed another new affiliate- Evjen Academy of Performing Arts

Dr. Laura Fetko did some backstage performance coverage for Rent at the Bushnell, contracted through NeuroTour
Dr. Meagan Robichaud did backstage performance coverage for The Bands Visit at the Bushnell, contracted through NeuroTour.
We did performance coverage with NEBT and the School of NEBT for their performance of the Fantastic Toyshop at the GHAA.
Blog Highlights:
The Dancer Warm Up