Written by Dr. Meagan Robichaud, PT, DPT
Dr. Meagan Robichaud and Dr. Laura Fetko spent a weekend at the CT Classic where they offered a parents seminar and then provided injury consultations for the dancers during the competition!
We provided backstage performance coverage for the School of NEBTs choreographers showcase and helped get the professional company members warm and prepped for their evening performance.
April: We started our Broadway Tour!
Dr. Laura Fetko did backstage performance coverage for Dear Evan Hansen at the Bushnell in Hartford, contracted through NeuroTour.
She also did backstage performance coverage for Waitress at the Palace in Waterbury, contracted through NeuroTour.
May: It was another BROADWAY month!!
Dr. Meagan Robichaud did backstage performance coverage for Pretty Woman: The Musical at the Bushnell in Hartford, contracted through NeuroTour.
She also did backstage coverage for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford, contracted through NeuroTour.
AND...Dr. Laura Fetko did backstage performance coverage for Fiddler on the Roof at the Fox Theater in Foxwoods Casino, contracted through NeuroTour.
June: and another month full of Broadway!
Dr. Meagan Robichaud spent the entire month with the Hartford Stage and the amazing cast of Kiss My Aztec to provide backstage coverage during their rehearsals at the end of May and weekly during their shows in June.
She also did backstage performance coverage for Hairspray at the Shubert in New Haven, contracted through NeuroTour.
Tess Maffiolini started working at Magna PT as a Physical Therapist Aide. She graduated from UConn and is applying to graduate programs for physical therapy.
July: A month of Summer Lecture Series for our affiliates!
We spent 4 weeks at the Hartt Community Division Summer Intensive program and completed a lecture series on injury prevention, alignment, and intro to Pilates.
We completed lectures throughout the month for the School of NEBT Summer intensives.
And...We did an injury prevention lecture series with Evjen Academy during their summer intensive

This month we welcomed a new affiliate- The Dance Project!
We continued with the Summer lectures at the Hartt Community Division.
Magna PTs Dance Medicine Program was featured in the October edition of Today Magazine! Click on the image
Dr. Meagan Robichaud did backstage performance coverage for My Fair Lady at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven, contracted through NeuroTour.
We did performance coverage with NEBT and the School of NEBT for their performance of the Fantastic Toyshop at the GHAA.